Klamath Falls Farmers Market

     Your Local Growers Market                        

Klamath Falls Farmers Market Association Board of Directors

The Klamath Falls Farmers Market Association (KFFMA) Board of Directors is a working board. It is responsible for the Market's overall governance, sets policy, manages the budget, and provides staff oversight. The Board also participates in committees to attain Market mission and goals.

Mission of KFFMA 
  • ·To provide small part-time or full-time farmers with facilities, sites and services that will enable them collectively to promote and market their agricultural product directly to the public
  • · To educate the public about agricultural commodities by offering consumers a special market where by may obtain quality fresh produce directly from the grower.
  • ·To provide members a forum for gathering and disseminating information that will educate and assist them in developing agricultural and marketing expertise.
  • ·To support public activities intended for the general betterment of agriculture in the greater Klamath Basin and surrounding counties.

Current KFFM Association Board of Directors

1. President: Rick Walsh (Fresh Green Organics) - rick@freshgreenorganics.com

2. Vice President: Patty Case (Community Supporter) - casep5510@gmail.com

3. Treasurer: John Anderson (Maranatha Farm) - maranathafarm1@gmail.com

3. Secretaries: Renea Wood (Sky Lakes Medical Center) - Renea.Wood@skylakes.org & Dana McCray (Danish Honey Farms) danishhoneyfarms@gmail.com

Ex-Officio Board Members (non-voting members with no attendance obligations)

Nicole Sanchez (OSU Extension) nicole.sanchez@oregonstate.edu

Sarah Akbari (Klamath Grown) sarah@klamathgrown.org

You can have a fundamental role in bringing local products to our community and facilitate market access for farmers and small businesses.

We always accept applications for whole-hearted volunteer board members and board committee members to share their time and talent, leading the KFFMA to a flourishing and sustainable future.

Board Member Job Description (pdf)        Board Member Application (fillable)   

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